Current State of the game

Hello everyone,

I see many have tried the game, and I hope you find the concept for this very early version interesting.
Currently, I'm working on the multiplayer, something I'm tackling for the first time as a developer. I have to say, I thought I built up the project in a way it would be easy to approach the multiplayer mode.
Boy oh boy, how was I wrong!

Currently, I'm basically rewriting the game from scratch, but this time I can count with the help of other people that have experience with these things. We are also rewriting the effects of the cards so next time I'll be able to publish the game, you will meet a whole new game.
Unfortunately, I have no luck into finding a good graphic designer, so the looks of the game could be still a little simple and not optimal, but hopefully it will be decent enough for be an enjoyable game.
Thank you all for your feedback and for trying the game, and I hope to deliver an even better game experience!


Virtual Legends CCG (Ver 0.1.0).zip 102 MB
Apr 30, 2023

Get Virtual Legends CCG (BETA)


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good luck!